Samson - Adopted!
This pup is a bundle of joy. He is a happy, healthy puppy that loves to run and play. Samson weighs about 5 pounds.
He is 8 weeks old now. He will be a small dog when full grown. He is a mixed breed pup. Samson's coat indicates some type of wire haired terrier in him. He is an adorable scruffy looking pup with a little under bite that gives him lots of character.
His is being potty trained on training pads in the house. He is living with his foster mom in the East Mountains and it has been too cold to put him outside to do his business. If we have some warmer days, he will begin his potty training outdoors. Right now, he uses his potty pads about 50% of the time. We are working on that!
As most puppies do, he wrestles and plays for a bit and then naps. At night, he sleeps well and is very quiet. In the morning, he is ready for breakfast and more playtime!
He will be at our adoption events every Saturday at the Petsmart on Academy, starting January 19th.
If you are interested in seeing him before then or have any questions, please call Jeanette at 281-9719. Also, please call Jeanette ahead of time if you plan to come to Petsmart on Saturdays to see them. This is to insure that he is available and will be there.
For more information about him or if you'd like to foster one of our dogs please call Alan @ 505-294-2790 or the NMAF Office @505-881-7297
Owner: NMAF Admin
Size: 3 items
Samson and Riley 004
Samson and Riley 008
Samson and Riley 011
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Contact Info: For more information about him or if you'd like to foster one of our dogs please call Alan @ 505-294-2790 or the NMAF Office @505-881-7297