Fawn - Adopted!
Fawn is an approximately 5 month old female shepherd/boxer mix. Her pretty little face is where you can see the boxer in her the most.
She bonds immediately with people and other dogs. She loves to play, as well as crawl up into your lap for a nap.
She enjoys taking walks around her foster mom's property, and comes right back to mom when she is called. She is not the kind of dog that will wander far off from her people.
She has not shown any interest in digging out of the yard or jumping the fence. Also, she shows no interest in chewing up items that she shouldn't. She is a very easy puppy to have in the home.
She has mastered the doggie door, and now is almost potty trained. A few more days of practice and she should be fully potty trained.
If you are looking for a happy go lucky puppy that is very loving and playful, then Fawn would be a perfect fit for you.
She will most likely grow up to be about a 45 pound dog. She currently weighs about 20 pounds.
She is spayed, has all of her shots and has her microchip. She is completely ready for a new home.
She will be at the Petsmart adoption clinics on Saturdays, but it is best to call her foster mom before going to Petsmart to make sure that Fawn will be there.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call Jeanette at 281-9719 or call the NMAF Office @ 881-7297 or email www.nmaf1.org
Owner: NMAF Admin
Size: 8 items
Doggies 017
Doggies 018
Doggies 019
Doggies 020
Pup1 1280x960
Pup3 1280x960
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Pup5 1280x960
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Contact Info: Jeanette at 281-9719 or call the NMAF Office @ 881-7297 or email www.nmaf1.org