Esmerelda (Melli) - Adopted!
Esmerelda (Melli) is a 4 year old Terrier cross. She came to us with an injured tail. But her tail surgery
transformed her into a little princess. Now that she is feeling better and
cleaned up, she is proud to strut her beautiful pink halter top that brings
out the beautiful pink on her nose. Her brown eyes sparkle with the sparkles on
her regal pink collar. Her beautiful white coat begs for a tiarra.
She has been a shining student. She quickly mastered the classes of "Doggie
Door" and "Miss Manners." She was initially very unsure of sharing her
princess palace but now gets along beautifully with her foster, non-royalty
brothers. New siblings will need to be royally respectable and
royally acceptable.
She loves all of her human subjects. She plays very gently and graciously.
She admits (in private) to a very small, very undignified vice of loving her
tummy scratched but this is her only vice. She loves to ride in the royal limo
and loves to walk on leash around the surrounding principalities. Her canopy
bed is designed to look like a kennel and she sleeps proudly in it.
She admits to being around 4 but she is very vague on her heritage and lineage.
Rumors abound that she is descended from the House of Terriers.
Applications now being accepted for positions of Ladies in Waiting and/or Palace
Guards for her Highness.
For more information on Melli please contact the NMAF Office @881-7297