STELLA is a 1 1/2year old Basenji mix. She is a lively young girl who loves to play with other dogs and with her squeaky toys.
she is housebroken if using a doggie door. She was escaping through her previous owner's fence and so was surrendered to the pound after having been adopted from there three months earlier. This girl has an extremely expressive face and is gorgeous to boot. STELLA is well behaved and quiet in the house, preferring to go curl up on her bed, but if it's time to go outside and play she is ready and then some. She sits but needs some more work on recall, focusing on her handler, and leash manners, although she is not at all bad, just pulls a little too much when excited. She gets along with cats and other dogs. She is very playful with other dogs but does respect the ones that don't want to play.
Stella can get carsick when riding in the car. She will probably outgrow that, but in the meantime if she rides in the front seat with the vents blowing air and the window down, she does quite well.
As she grows up and matures she is apt to become a little willful and dominant with other dogs, so will need a human parent who knows how to set the rules and remain the boss. Stella is outgoing, active, and fun loving. She loves people and is very affectionate. She is an uncomplicated young pup who just wants to be loved, kept safe and warm, and have fun.