Griffin - Adopted!
This is one sweet pup! He's about eight months old, a terrier cross that weighs 15 lbs. and shouldn't get much bigger. He has a very happy personality and loves everyone; people, kids and other dogs. He's very playful and loves his toys. He can use a dog door and is very nearly house-trained. He's affectionate and will cuddle any time. He is easy to bathe and brush and rides well in the car. He's good on a leash and is a quick learner. He eats well and loves treats. He has the run of our house and amuses himself with the other dogs, playing with his toys and running around outside.
To adopt me, contact Alan @ 294-2790. To foster a dog like me, contact the office at 881 7297. Or email questions to Or see me at Petsmart on Saturdays!