Bobby - Adopted!
Email Alan at or call (505)294-2790 for more information about Bobby.
"I'm Bobby (Spongebob) and I'm a 1 1/2 year old neutered male. I'm probably part Dachshund and Chihuahua (maybe). I'm bouncy and playful and I love toys! I like other dogs and children, especially babies! I'm friendly to everyone, but protective at first of my people. I learn quickly and I'm almost completely house trained. I love to cuddle and have my tummy rubbed. I like to sleep with my people and I'm peaceful at night. I love tearing around the yard and playing in water. I'm a good eater and ride well in the car. A little obedience training would go a long way with me. I bond very quickly and I'm very loyal. I spent some time in an animal shelter, so I can be a little fearful in scary situations like the vet's office. But I respond immediately and completely to love."
To adopt Bobby, contact Alan at (505)294-2790. To foster a dog like Bobby, contact the office at (505)881 7297 or email questions to or see him at Petsmart on Saturdays.
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