Album: Ashley Loma - Adopted
Black, Domestic Shorthair
Album: Astra - Adopted
Chihuahua mix
Album: Benjamin - Adopted
Gray and White, Domestic Shorthair
Size: 4 items
Views: 1323
Album: Benny - Adopted
Chihuahua / Pug mix
Size: 3 items
Views: 1172
Album: Bernadette - Adopted
Black Smoke, Domestic Shorthair
Size: 5 items
Views: 1881
Album: Bingo - Adopted
Chihuahua / Italian Greyhound mix
Album: Bitsy - Adopted
Size: 4 items
Views: 1117
Album: Bonnie Boots - Adopted
Black Lab / Whippet mix
Size: 5 items
Views: 1350
Album: Buck - Adopted
Aust. Cattle Dog / Blue Heeler mix
Album: Buddy - Adopted
Heeler / Chow mix
Album: Buddy - Transferred to Beagle Freedom Project
Album: Caesar - Adopted
Toy Poodle mix
Album: Charlotte - Adopted
Cream Tabby, Domestic Shorthair
Album: Charmander - Adopted
Brown/Blue Tabby Tuxedo, D. Shorthair
Size: 6 items
Views: 1853
Album: Chewbacca - Adopted
Black and White, Domestic Shorthair
Size: 3 items
Views: 1237
Album: Cinnamon - Adopted
Welsh Corgi mix
Album: Coco - Adopted
Chihuahua mix
Album: Cutie - Adopted
Chihuahua mix
Album: Dandy - Adopted
Snowshoe Siamese, Domestic Shorthair mix
Album: Essie - Adopted
Labrador Retriever mix
Album: Flipper - Adopted
Spaniel mix
Size: 5 items
Views: 1796
Album: Fox - Adopted
Red German Shepherd mix
Size: 5 items
Views: 2109
Album: Fritz - Adopted
Basset Hound / Jack Russell mix
Album: Gwennie - Adopted
Chihuahua / Pug mix
Size: 9 items
Views: 1588
Album: Iggy - Adopted
Terrier mix
Album: Jackson - Adopted
Retriever / Terrier mix
Size: 3 items
Views: 1235
Album: James Bond - Adopted
Black w/White Tuxedo, Dom. Shorthair
Album: Jinny - Adopted
Catahoula / Border Collie mix
Album: Joey - Adopted
Gray Tabby, Domestic Shorthair
Album: Kaiya - Adopted
German Shepherd puppy
Album: Kayla - Adopted
Labrador Retriever/Pit Bull Terrier mix
Size: 2 items
Views: 1101
Album: Keaton - Adopted
Gray, Domestic Shorthair
Album: Kia - Adopted
Basenji / Chow mix
Album: Leon - Adopted
Buff Tabby, Domestic Shorthair
Album: Lola - Adopted
Chihuahua mix
Size: 3 items
Views: 1041
Album: Lynx - Adopted
Orange Tabby, Medium Longhair
Album: Manny - Adopted
Chihuahua mix
Album: Mary Jane - Adopted
Spaniel mix
Album: Maurice - Adopted
Chihuahua / Miniature Pinscher mix
Album: Maxx - Adopted
Puggle (Pug & Beagle mix)
Album: Millie - Adopted
Cairn Terrier mix
Album: Mimi - Adopted
Italian Greyhound / Chihuahua mix
Size: 6 items
Views: 1055
Album: Minnie - Adopted
Chihuahua mix
Album: Nellie - Adopted
Treeing Tennessee Brindle/Cattle Dog
Size: 5 items
Views: 1652
Album: Norman - Adopted
Corgi / Chihuahua mix
Album: Nugget - Adopted
Pug mix
Album: Papa - Adopted
Poodle mix
Album: Penelope - Adopted
Poodle / Terrier mix
Album: Penny - Adopted
Calico w/Black & Gray, D. Shorthair
Album: Petrie - Adopted
French Bulldog / Jack Russell Terrier mix
Album: Phoebe - Adopted
Chihuahua mix
Album: Phoebe - Adopted
Pomeranian / Chihuahua mix
Album: Polka - Adopted
Chihuahua mix
Album: Poppy - Adopted
Tortoiseshell, Domestic Shorthair
Album: Rascal - Adopted
Italian Greyhound mix
Album: Remy - Adopted
Corgi mix
Album: Rocky - Adopted
Chinese Shar-Pei / Cattle Dog mix
Album: Sabrina - Adopted
Shih Tzu / Toy Poodle mix
Album: Simba - Adopted
Buff Tabby, Domestic Shorthair
Album: Sugar - Adopted
Spaniel mix