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Your Donation Saves Lives

Make a Difference in the Lives of Homeless Dogs and Cats

You can make a one-time or recurring monthly donation through PayPal, or by using a credit card.

If you prefer, you may mail a donation to:
PO Box 40189
Albuquerque, NM 87196

More Ways To Donate

image of Smith's Inspiring Donations Logo

Support NMAF each time you shop at Smith's Food and Drug when you use your Rewards Card. This program makes donating to NMAF easy based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Rewards Card to NMAF, Smith’s will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to NMAF.

  • Sign in to your online account, or create an account at
  • Click on "Inspiring Donations" from the menu on the left
  • Search for New Mexico Animal Friends using our name or number (YW572)
  • Click "Enroll"

image of Amazon Wish List Logo

Purchase and donate items found on NMAF's Amazon Wish List. We have created a list of needed items. Simply browse, order, and enjoy giving.

image of Fundraise With Facebook Logo

Create a Facebook Fundraiser for NMAF. Ask your friends for their support. Donations made through Facebook Fundraisers pay no extra fees — 100% of the donations will go to NMAF.

In Honor or Memory of a Person or Pet

If you would like to honor or memorialize a special person or favorite/special pet, this option is for you. When making your donation, please provide the name and address of the person or animal in whose memory or honor the donation is being made. In addition, please provide the name and address of the person or family that NMAF should notify of the donation.

Sponsor A Pet

Your donation will help pay for spays/neuters, vaccinations, microchips, medical exams, dental work, treatment for illnesses, parasites, injuries, extensive surgeries, emergency boarding, training, and behavior assessments.

Matching Gift Donation

Many companies have a matching gift program and match the charitable contribution of their employees. Contact your company's human resources department to find out how to take advantage of your employer's matching gift program.

Planned Giving Options (Wills, Trusts, Bequests, Investment Programs, Life Insurance)

Your donation, designated through planned giving options including wills, trusts, bequests, investment fund programs, and life insurance policies, can provide support, care, and hope for thousands of homeless, neglected, abused and helpless dogs and cats. You can designate a percentage or a specified amount of your estate to NMAF. Consult your attorney to discuss your estate plans and wishes. NMAF is always available to discuss the needs and the planned giving options available to you. It is never too early to consider leaving a significant legacy to the animals who desperately need your help and support. Call NMAF at (505)881-7297 to discuss your planned giving options.