Penny and GinGee's Fundraiser

Donations Needed!
Two of NMAF’s rescues, GinGee and Penny, were recently in need of intensive medical care totaling over $10,000. GinGee, a 3-year-old female medium-longhair cat, suffered from chronic ear infections that took a toll on her health. To stop the painful infections and preserve her hearing, GinGee required surgery to remove a polyp that was situated deep in her ear. Penny, a 5-year-old female Doberman mix, accidentally ingested 2400 mg of Rimadyl and had to be taken immediately to the emergency vet. She was hospitalized twice and had multiple courses of subcutaneous fluids and blood tests. Both GinGee and Penny have fully recovered from their ordeals and are healthy and happy girls once again.
If you can help, we would greatly appreciate donations toward GinGee’s and Penny’s medical bills. Any size donation helps. NMAF wouldn’t be able to help pets like GinGee and Penny without your support. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
If you would like to make a donation to help with Penny's and GinGee's medical bills
using PayPal or a credit card, please use the button above.
If you prefer, you may mail a donation to:
PO Box 40189
Albuquerque, NM 87196