Mr. Whiskers
Blue / Gray Tabby with White, Domestic Shorthair
Born 9/4/2022
Adoption Fee: $75
Contact: Jeri at or (505)350-7463.
Mr. Whiskers is a special needs kitty, with FIV+ status.
"Meep! Meep!" Is that the roadrunner? Nope! It's our adorable Mr. Whiskers, aka Oswald, aka the Meeper. He's a cat with many names that suit the many facets of his beautiful and affectionate personality.
Mr. Whiskers is very playful, loves any toy that has feathers, and enjoys being petted under the chin, which absolutely puts him into a trance. As noted, he makes the cutest "meeping", abbreviated meows, and is quite chatty! Food is his love language, he's prone to after-meal zoomies, and he thinks that the only reason we go into the kitchen is to fix him a meal (but what cat doesn't, hehe).
Mr. Whiskers is quite well-behaved in the house and has never scratched up the rugs or furniture, though he will try to explore a bit and does try to get up into high places to get a good vantage point. He loves being by the window and is especially curious about anyone who passes by - there are times that we're sure that he considers himself our home security.
Mr. Whiskers hails from the streets, as you can tell from his clipped ear, but we're certain that he was in a loving home at some point before he found us. He's deeply grateful to be an indoor cat now and shows this with big kisses and little love bites. Perhaps thinking that we, who have taken him in, are just oversized cats, he'll waste no time in grooming faces and arms and letting us know that he loves us and he's there to look out for us.
Adoption Clinic Location: Petco - San Mateo & Academy, Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
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