F-713 Antares - Antares is an adorable 4-month old Maine Coon-mix kitten with a tail almost as big as the rest of him. He was trapped from a feral colony, and was going to be neutered and returned to his colony (that's why he has a missing ear tip), but a couple of NMAF volunteers thought he seemed pretty friendly, and could be tamed even though he was older than usual for taming kittens. They were right. He spent a few weeks in a cage getting used to being handled and petted, and is now the sweetest, most affectionate little guy imaginable. He can still be skittish, especially with strangers, but will probably lose that as he gets older and spends more time with people. Extremely playful and loves to chase feather toys. He likes other cats and gets along well with his buddy Dexter. Don't know how he would react to dogs or kids, but he's generally outgoing and good-natured. Excellent litter box and other habits. The other Maine Coon-mix cats taken from this colony are all large, fluffy and beautiful. I expect this little guy will be too.