Angel - ADOPTED!
this tiny girl is a dream dog - she is house trained, gentle and a bundle of love - she loves her walks/outings and is perfect on the leash and knows that the sidewalk is the place for her to stay - she still finds interesting smells in the bushes along the way however, and will stop to investigate - beside you or at your feet is a delightful place for her, but once invited onto the chair, couch or bed she will gladly accept - she respects the furniture and never, never chews or spoils the furniture - she enjoys the outdoors and will pop outside for a doze in the sun or a stretch to watch the birds - she uses a doggie door and is very reliable when alone in the house - because she is so tiny she should never be left alone outside for long periods
Angel has been debarked - so, she never barks and is totally quiet - she more than makes up for this with her beautiful personality, excellent manners, love and devotion to her humans
Angel’s preferred home would be with “at home” mature people who will love her, provide her with the outings and mild exercise that she needs and enjoys, and protect her from the dangers of the outside world since she is unable to call for help
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