Fergus - Adopted!
Email Alan at duhondmd@yahoo.com or call (505)294-2790 for more information about Fergus.
Meet the Fergus! He is one cute little dog. Strikingly marked in black and white, he is stunningly handsome. He will need regular grooming and combing to keep him looking his best. He could be part poodle, schnauzer or shih tzu. And therefore possibly more hypo-allergenic than some.
Fergus is about 2 years old. He is small at 12 pounds but has the attitude of a much bigger dog. He will need an active house or a companion young dog to channel and expend all his enthusiasm.
He loves to sit on a lap. With some training, he will be a great companion to go everywhere. He loves hand play and is quite gentle. He tosses his stuffed toy around but doesn't seem interested in shredding it.
He is good at letting anyone know if something unusual is going on. But is quiet when in the house. He will need some training as he arrived with none. Petsmart has an excellent beginning training program. He is learning the doggie door and to play with toys.
If you would like a little Fergus in your life, give us a call.
To adopt Fergus, contact Alan at (505)294-2790. To foster a dog like Fergus, contact the office at (505)881-7297. Or email questions to duhondmd@yahoo.com. Or see me at Petsmart on Saturdays.
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