White Socks
Maine Coon mix
12 years old
Weight: 10 lb
Contact: Jeri at cats@nmaf.org or (505)350-7463.
White Socks is a stunning Maine Coon mix looking for a loving family. She loves to join her foster at the computer and has learned to sit on the desk without putting extra keystrokes in the latest document. Despite her long hair, she is a heat seeker and comes with her own heated bed. Ideally this will be put on the bed of her favorite person, you, perhaps? She has a housemate, Tiggie. They get along well and can be adopted together but are not a bonded pair and can also be adopted separately. White Socks has learned to open closets, but she is fearless and greets houseguests instead of hiding. She likes dog watching at the adoption clinic and is learning to walk on a leash.
Adoption Clinic Location: Petco - San Mateo & Academy, Saturdays, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
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